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Your research team (of three students) needs to choose a threatened / endangered species. Species will be approved by the Senior Researcher on a first come, first approved basis. (There will be extra XP for teams who pick and "unconventional" species.)


As a Research Scientist for the federal government, you will be conducting research to educate yourself about an animal's habitat, reproduction, future, history, appearance/ behavior, enemies and survival.  Each team member will choose between the following roles:  Ecologist, Zoologist and Conservationist and complete the individual background research. 

Once you have successfully completed the individual research, you will work with your team to form a lobbyist group that will develop a 5 minute persuasive plan of recovery to get your animal off the threatened / endangered species list. 


Finally, your lobbyist group will prepare and present your  plan of recovery to Congress. Two plans will be selected. A Congressional vote will determine the two plans that will receive funding.

How is the survival of species and their ability to adapt affected by natural and human-induced environmental changes?

​Based on

Created by Mariana Garcia for AdVENTURE


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