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You and your lobbyist group will research and use additional sources to design a persuasive plan of recovery and info-graphic for your animal.


Your lobbyist group will prepare and present the persuasive plan of recovery to Congress. Congress has only allowed your group 5 minutes to present your team’s recovery plan and convince them to fund you. 


Will your group get the millions of dollars needed to get your animal off the threatened/endangered list?



In order to be heard by Congress, your Group’s Recovery Plan must create a newscast with citations of the information you will present and include:


1.  Brief description of your endangered animal.

2.  Why is the animal important to the ecosystem?

3.  What human behaviors are a threat to the species?

4. Timeline of Endangerment

5.  What are the (realistic) steps to take the animal off the Threatened / Endangered Species List?

6.  How long will your recovery plan take AND how much money you will need?


You will also need to submit an infographic about your animal (compilation of all the individual work, see exemplar).




How is the survival of species and their ability to adapt affected by natural and human-induced environmental changes?

​Based on

Created by Mariana Garcia for AdVENTURE


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