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As a conservationist, you work to protect animals, plants, and natural resources and to prevent the loss or waste of natural resources. With that in mind, research and prepare a document that includes the following items, specific to your endangered species. The information you collect will be used in the team infographic you will present to Congress. 



Is your animal Threatened or Endangered? (What does this mean?)





  • Reasons for endangerment: 

Has there been a loss or change in the environment or food supply. Is the species hunted or cultivated for food or other reasons, or has it declined because of disease? There can be many reasons why a species has become threatened or endangered, some created and some because of a break-down in their life cycle. Many may cite habitat destruction, but you need to give details of why there is habitat destruction.


  • Timeline of endangerment:

Starting on the date your species was put on the IUCN list, include at least 4 major events in its conservation/preservation history - see the example on the final project page.


  • Human Importance

How is your species important to humans? - ideas: economic, conservation, cultural, etc


  • How many are left?

Use different sources to confirm the number and include a population graph


  • Government intervention

How have the governments where your animal resides intervened to save your species?

How is the survival of species and their ability to adapt affected by natural and human-induced environmental changes?

​Based on

Created by Mariana Garcia for AdVENTURE


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