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As an ecologist, you are concerned with ecosystems as a whole, the abundance and distribution of organisms (people, plants, animals), and the relationships between organisms and their environment. With that in mind, research and prepare a document that includes the following items, specific to your endangered species. The information you collect will be used in the team infographic you will present to Congress.  




  1. Ecosystem (Abiotic and Biotic Factors that influence the survival of the species)

  2. Geographic distribution – show all locations for the biome your animal thrives in and the locations of your actually lives animal. This requires maps and explanations. 

  3. What is happening in your species habitat that has put your animal at risk. (Biotic and abiotic factors that have been modified or lost).




  1. What does the animal eat (Simple food chain for your animal, role in the food web, trophic level. Is the species a predator or prey or both?)

  2. Symbiotic Relationships in Nature. 


Make sure you keep track of your sources since all information presented to Congress needs to be referenced.

How is the survival of species and their ability to adapt affected by natural and human-induced environmental changes?

​Based on

Created by Mariana Garcia for AdVENTURE


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