General Steps to complete any of the projects
You wll be gathering lots of information as you complete the unit and move on to your final project. Here is a list of basic steps to guide your work.
Select the project you wish to complete.
Find other students that would like to complete the same project. I suggest teams of at least 3, but no more than 4.
Brainstorm a list of questions that your project will answer. From those make a list of key vocabulary that you need to know, and that will help in your search.
Conduct a preliminary notebok, textbook and internet search.
If search yields adequate information to answer the questions you developed, go to step 7; If search does not yield adequate information go to step 6.
Revise your questions, to narrow your searches. and go back to step 4.
Meet with your team to discuss possible options for your final product. Determine "Who is doing what?"
Conduct an in depth search. This may include use of the internet, but do not forget your notes and textbooks are valuable sources of information.
Organize the information you found by topic.
Meet with your team and develop your final project.
Turn in your work on time.When you're finished, celebrate!
The following links provide general information about plate tectonics. You may use them to start your searches: