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Landform detective

You are members of a geologic outreach program that teaches students how the Earth's landscape is constantly changing.


Create a model**  and a 3 minute (12 slide) voiced-over IGNITE* presentation to explain how tectonic processes created, transformed, or affect a landform of your choice. You will present both at our Techtonically Speaking Convention.


Some ideas (you are not limited by these), just check with your teacher before making your choice:


Mt. Rainier

Siberian Traps

Mt. Fuji


Mt. Pelee

Nevado del Ruiz

Three Sisters

Andes Mountains
Cascade Mountains




** Your model must look like the actual landform. The picture you used for inspiration must be attached.


Please note, if you are an AdVENTURE student, Mt. Everest is not an option.






Mount Shasta

Fernandina Island

Heart Peaks

Makalu Mountain

Ras Dashen


Mount Logan

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