Even though as a rule of thumb superheroes seldom have actual families, this is one aspect that we would like you to explore in depth for your superhero portfolio.
Genotypes and Phenotypes
Based on the drawing you created as your concept, make a list of 6 traits your superhero has. This may include hair and eye color, hair type, height, etc. At least one of your chosen traits has to be its animal superpower. If your superhero has more than one superpower make sure you include it, too.
Now choose an appropriate mate for your superhero. You may choose a superhero or a villian from any franchise. Just be careful... The mate's superpowers must be intrinsic. This means that abilities that come from devices (like Spiderman's webs) cannot be passed on.
Match the traits the mate has to the ones listed before and add 3 aditional ones. Add the trait of Superhero status. This gives you a total of 10 traits to work with for the next step.
Write one or two paragraphs that tells us how your superheroes met.
The document linked below provides you with more specific instructions and a place to keep all the information necessary for this step. This is what you will turn in for this task.
Your superhero is planning a family.
Even though superheros spend most of their time fighting crime and villanous acts, your superhero may like to have a family some day. As a cartoonist with knowledge of genetics it is your job to determine the actual probability of your superhero passing on his/her traits, including whether a this new character would be a superhero or villain.
Using the genotypes you identified in the previous section, complete 10 Punnett squares and determine the probability of each trait. Use the following document to keep track of your work, and submit it with your character portfolio.
Your superhero offspring
Now that you have determined the probability of your character having offrpring with specific traits, it is time to add to his/her family. Complete the attached superhero offspring traits document. Give the child a name, draw it and provide a one paragraph recap of any special abilities this child inherited. Make sure you mention the child's superhero status!