The Proposal
The AdVENTURE Engineering Co. is looking for teams of young engineers to help them improve their products. As part of the hiring process they are requesting that you prepare and submit a proposal that details your understanding of ONE common household device. The choice of product for your proposal is yours, but bear in mind that you will be working with that same product for the duration of the hiring process. Due to safety concerns and budget constraints your choice of product is limited to:
- The item chosen MUST have at least 7 parts
- Used, unwanted items: the item may not work once you are done with it.
- If you decide to purchase an item for this project, it may not cost more than $5.00.
- The item must NOT have a plug or be able to be plugged in to an outlet in any way. Battery driven items are OK.

Once your team has made a decision, and verified the choice with your teacher, you must submit a proposal that includes:
What is your item? (device description, cost and source)
What is your item's purpuse and what exactly does it do and how does it work?
Why are you choosing this item?
How are you going to take it apart? What tools do you need? (For the most part, you will need to provide the tools, so bear that in mind as you make your choice!)
How many parts do you think it contains?
What specific tools will you need to measure the parts?
Rough sketch of the overall device