The Manual
You have made your choice and gotten approval. You have your product in front of you. Now it is time to begin working in earnest.
Take it apart and understand it
1. Sketch your product before you take it apart. Include any view you consider necessary (top, side, back, bottom), and make sure you include accurate measurements in your sketch.
2. As you take it apart, number and sketch each and every piece (include measurements and location of the piece) AND take pictures of what you are doing. Write down every step you took in order, even if you think it is obvious!
3. For each piece, document its purpose (i.e. screw 1/8 flathead: holds the casing together)
Time to Document
Using the information you gathered as you were taking your device apart to create a Manual for your device. This manual must include:
Parts: Place all the sketches you created above for each part in one sheet, and identify them by their proper name. (Page 3 of the stduent example).
Bill of materials: A BoM is a list of all the parts that compose a device. List each part with dimensions, consider its function and cost. Think about and document what you would use if you were making a prototype of this device. Create a chart with this information. For example:

Exploded view: Use the numbers from the BoM to sketch an exploded view of your item. This is not included in the student example.
Assembly instructions: You documented how you took it apart in part 2 above. Work backwards from your pictures and sketches, providing enough direction so that a person who knows nothing about the product can re-assemble it. (Page 4 in the student example)