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The Gray Area Board of Supervisors met recently about whether the water slide has something to do with the fish dying. Review the meeting transcripts below:



Juan Tuno Chlorine Statement 


I 'm glad the test came out negative for chlorine downstream from the water slide, but just to make sure, I would like to do a biological test for chlorine by checking for tiny animals that are called water fleas. Water fleas can't live well in water with chlorine in it. If there's no chlorine problem in the water downstream from the water slide, there should be as many water fleas there, as there are upstream. 

Ken Unballe  Chlorine Statement 


Our water slide has been great for this area. We bring in tourists, which helps the economy, and we keep kids off the streets by providing a positive activity. We're so sure that the chlorine from our park isn't killing the fish, that on Tuesday we voluntarily collected a sample of the water downstream from the water slide and had it chemically tested for chlorine. The results prove our innocence! 

Today you will look over the records of the meeting and the chlorine files put together by Juan Tuno. They include:


  • The results of the chemical and biological tests on the chlorine.

  • Juan Tuno's newspaper clippings.

  • E-mails, notes, and documents from an envelope left near Juan Tuno's door.

  • Reference material about water fleas and bioindicators​


Open the files by clicking on them


Read the statements made by Juan Tuno and Ken Unballe, owner of the water slide park.

Chlorine Files

Once you have studied the files and discussed what you found with a partner, answer the following questions. Do not forget to log in AND click submit when you are done. XP available.


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