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Let's start by creating your superhero. 


There are many animals that display superpowers. Pit vipers can see in infrared. Bees can sense the electric fields of flowers. The Ibex can walk on walls. The mantis shrimp can punch with the same acceleration as a bullet and can see all colors. The axolotl can regenerate every part of its body including its head and brain! These animal superpowers have allowed them to survive and create the wonderful diveristy we see around us. 


To create your character, you must first research a real life animal with superpowers. Identify the special abilities they possess and determine how an animal's structure enables its unique skill. Use that knowledge to develop your character. In your portfolio include:


  • Name of your superhero

  • Name and abilities of the animal in which it was based.

  • Superpowers (Name the specific adaptations that give it these unique abilities)

  • Animal structures that enable the superpowers, and exactly how they are included in your superhero*.

  • Strengths and weaknesses (everything is a tradeoff)

  • Costume

  • Color drawing of your superhero. This must be very detailed, and remember, your superhero is a person.


* Remember to be very explicit in how the adaptations or superpowers your animal has are included in your superhero. You must be able to explain how the structures in your animal allow it to have the super power AND how similar structures in your superhero would allow it to have that special skill. For example, if you are using an elephants ability to lift  a one ton weight with their trunk, you must explain the structure of the elephant's trunk that allows it to do that (boneless, comprised of 150 muscles, etc.) and then explain how that structure is mirrored in your super hero.


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