Share the specifics of your product in any way you wish. Your communication product must include:
Picture of your solution (before any testing was done)
All of the STEM and EDP components (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math connections)
You already documented all of this in your blog. You simply need to put it together into one cohesive presentation product (website, slide deck, timeline, infographic, trifold, etc.)
Sales Pitch: Place yourself in the role of a real-estate agent trying to convince us that your house is able to withstand the disaster. Individually create a real estate flyer, explaining each selection and why it makes your house "disaster-proof".
Oral presentation:
Brief but thorough description of your prototype and how it works. Explain the science and technology connections you made.
Illustrates how the different parts of your prototype work together to create a system, allowing it to work for its intended purpose.