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Scientist List

Choose just one. If you know of a different scientist that you would like to research it is OK, just make sure your teacher approves.


Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek, 

Robert Hooke, 

Andreas Vesalius, 

Claude Bernard, 

William Beaumont, 

William Harvey, 

Hans Krebs, 

Peter Medawar,

Carolus Linnaeus,

Luis Alvarez

Johannes Kepler

John Dalton, 

Dmitri Mendeleev, 

Ernest Rutherford, 

Marie Sklodowska Curie, 

Max Planck, 

Niels Bohr, 

James Chadwick, 

Enrico Fermi,

Galileo Galilei,

Amedeo Avogadro,

Dorothy Hodgkin,

Louis Pasteur,

Mario Molina,

Neil deGrasse Tyson,

Jane Goodall,

Alan Guth,

Ashoke Sen,

Marie Maynard Daly,

Shirley Ann Jackson,

Cesar Milstein

Dian Fossey,

Vera Rubin











James Hutton, 

Friedrich Mohs, 

Florence Bascom, 

Leonardo da Vinci, 

Inge Lehmann, 

Vladimir Vernadsky

Daniel Bernoulli

Francis Bacon

Archimedes of Syracuse

Charles Darwin,

Hans Christian Ørsted (Oersted), André Marie Ampère, 

Michael Faraday, 

Nikola Tesla, 

Thomas Edison, 

James Watt, 

George Ohm, 

Alessandro Volta, 

James Clerk Maxwell,

Ada Lovelace,

Robert Bunsen,

Charles-Augustin de Coulomb,

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar,

Gregor Mendel,

Stephen Hawking,

Kip Thorne,

Carl Sagan,

James Watson,

Tu Youyou,

Shinya Yamanaka,

Elizabeth Blackburn,

Katherine Johnson

Francis Crick

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