Your candidate (assigned organelle) wants to become President of Cell-land. In order to win, you will have to successfully convince your voters that without your candidate, they would be in dire straits, unable to survive. In fact, if your candidate were gone, Cell-land would disappear, taking with it all organisms on Earth.
Your Campaign must include:
At least one poster championing the greatness of your candidate (organelle). You must include the candidate’s name, a picture, and a brief, catchy slogan that can attract voters and paints a clear picture of why your candidate should win the election. It should, of course, reveal how your candidate, once elected, plans to work in cooperation with all other organelles to make Cell-land the best place on Earth.
A 2 minute video that describes how totally awesome your candidate is. The following items should be included:
A catchy graphic
Structural details of candidate (How does your candidate visually appeal to your voters?)
Function of candidate (What does your candidate do for your voters?)
An explanation that details how the shape of your candidate is related to its function.
A description of why your candidate is crucial to the survival of Cell-land.
Be sure to relate the structure of your candidate to his/her function. Be sure to make the connection for your voters as to why your candidate is so important. Be creative with this. Want to use quotes from doctors or other experts? Great! Remember that pictures can tell 1000 words.
As you prepare your poster and video, you will also participate in a smear campaign on GC. Each of your teammates is responsible for placing between 2 and 5 "good smears" against your opponents. When you decide to "smear" other candidates, make sure that you include relevant information (with URL). A post such as "ribosomes stink" does not count. Do some searches of your own -
Actually refer to their structure and/or function - "Who needs proteins anyway? Ribosomes stink (http://www.biology4kids.com/files/cell_ribos.html)".
Figure out what diseases are associated with malfunctions or mutations of your oponents: A vote for Risobomes is a vote for Alzheimer's and cancer. (http://www.livestrong.com/article/208980-what-is-a-list-of-ribosomes-diseases/)
Want to create memes or create political alliances? Go ahead!
Spread out your smears over the length of the project, and smear more than one candidate. Publishing all smears in one day or smearing just one candidate results in less points awarded.
And yes, you may answer by slinging comments right back at your opponents. Just remember to KEEP IT CLEAN, FUN AND RESPECTFUL.