The Organelle Trail
Part 1: First Duties
Receive your assignment and team.
Part 2: Gather Your Facts
To complete your poster (and find your suspect!), you will need to know the following:
CRIME: What has this organelle done? Why is this organelle "wanted"? In other words, what does it do for the cell? Or, what is the organelle’s function?
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: What does the organelle look like? Provide a description and an actual picture. The picture can be a mug shot (printed picture) or a sketch from a sketch artist (hand drawn).
LOCATION: Where should we look for the organelle?
Which of the following types of cells is this organelle found in? Make sure that you have explored plants and animal cells.
ACOMPLICES: In other words, which other organelles/structures help your organelle do its job?
Part 3: The Roundup
Share the information you have discovered by completing a wanted poster. The poster should include, but is not limited to:
1. A picture of your organelle/structure (drawn or taken from a web site or book)
2. Answers (in your own words!) to all 4 items in part 2
3. 3 resources cited (just the name of the book or website link is fine) on the back of your poster
4. You are encouraged to be creative – decorate your poster, make it look old. For ideas or help in making your wanted poster visit the following website (http://www.glassgiant.com/wanted/ ). Remember the more effort and creative your poster is the better chance of getting full credit.