Invasive Species
Your Product
You have all your information, now what? Meet with your partner and make a copy of the following document.
Work together to come up with feasible, actionable solutions to solve the problems caused by your invasive species.
Decide on the format of your newscast.
The documents you created in the previous steps have become your checklist of what to include. However, you do NOT have to include the information in a question/answer format. Use your judgment. What do you think is the best way to educate the public about your invasive species.
At the very minimum, your newscast must include:
Picture and a brief description of your invasive species
Role in its original environment (use the info gathered by the biologist to create a food web)
Timeline of invasion (Include at least 5 events. Use the information gathered by the ecologist and your problem-solving doc)
Your explicit, detailed plan to manage the threat of this invasive species to the environment
You will also have to have an infographic that summarizes the issue for easy access by congress.
Remember to also include your resources so that people an learn more about your species if they need to.