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Key Concepts

You learned many things this year, but you probably have a favorite. Choose ONE unit to focus on from any of your classes (for example: Science: Forces and Motion OR Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations), and show us what you know.

Create a digital poster that illustrates at least 5 key concepts from the unit.


Link the five concepts to a good source of information on the subject.

Write a song or rap that explains at least 5 key concepts from the unit (Remember Mr. Parr?)

Create a board game using at least 5 key concepts from the unit. 

Write a 3 paragraph brag/whine for a topic within the unit.


Your brag/whine must be in first person format

(Ex. “Plate Tectonics” tells the reader why SHE is the most important theory ever written” or “Henry Electromagnetism explains why HE is the most misunderstood of all forces”)

Build a model that illustrates one key concept for the unit.

Create a web page for the unit. Include at least 5 key concepts.

Use lessonpaths, Hstry or Thinglink to create a playlist for 5 key concepts from the unit. You must include at least 5 websites and 3 videos. Each item has to have a description: “This website explains _____ as ______.” 

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