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Article Blog Summary


Use the following sentence frames to develop your article summary. 


_(Author's full name)_ in the article, __("Full title of the article") __, _(analyzes/argues/explains/discusses/explores/investigates)_ that __(topic/main idea of the article)____.


In the beginning, _(the author)_ explains/describes/talks about ______(important detail) ______. This means that _____(paraphrase/explain the first important detail) ______


(The author)_ states "(direct quote)"  to (explain/describe/argue)  (important detail). As I inderstand it, _(explain second important detail).


Finally, the author concludes that _(paraphrase the author's conclusion).


The author's purpose is to (argue/call attention to/deny/show/prove/inform/persuade/convince/report/suggest)  ____________, so that ____________.

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