Unit 1 - The Process of Science
Ennians recognize and understand that Scientific inquiry involves asking scientifically‐ oriented questions, collecting evidence, forming explanations, connecting explanations to scientific knowledge and theory, and communicating and justifying explanations.
Receive 5 patrot bucks.
Lock opens at 100 XP
Unit 2 - The Cell
Ennians recognize and understand that cell is the fundamental unit of structure and function in living things - cells use energy, consume materials, require water, eliminate waste, and reproduce.
Ability to use your notes in all assignments marked as QUIZ. Does not apply to TESTS.
Unit 3 - Body Systems
Ennians recognize and understand that organs are composed of smaller parts which work together to perform functions, which allow us to live. In living organisms, a connection exists between structure and function. The survival of an organism depends on the organ systems working together.
Ability to listen to music during individual and group work time.
Earbuds must be provided by the Enian who wishes to use this power-up, and one ear must be uncovered at all times. Look for the "May listen to music sign".
The power-ups are not cummulative. This means that you may not achieve every single one, although I know that you will do your best to get them all. At the start of each unit, I will post the available XP for the unit on Edmodo, and you must achieve at least 85% of the XP available in order to unlock the power-up. The power-ups remain in place as long as you continue to be a respectful, responsible and safe citizen of the Enni clan.
If you do not achieve the required XP to unlock a power-up, you are able to re-work the missing/incomplete portions even months after we have completed the quest. However, be aware that this will only increase your XP points to gain a particular power-up, and if done after a grading period has closed, will not modify your class grade since the power-ups are not tied to grades. Follow the instructions found at the Gragas.
At the end of every unit, you must write a reflective blog post. The Unit Reflection Post will count as your blog for that week.
Unit 4 - Interdependence of Organisms
Ennians recognize and understand that organisms survive in environments where their needs are met. The continuing diversity of living things on Earth (biodiversity) is dependent on the nature of the environmental condition of the planet. The uninterrupted flow of matter and energy through the physical environment is necessary to support the diversity of life.
Receive an E2 referal
Unit 5 - Weather
Ennians recognize and understand that weather conditions change and some changes are predictable, climate is influenced locally and globally by atmospheric interactions with land masses and bodies of water. Weather (in the short term) and climate (in the long term) involve the transfer of energy in and out of the atmosphere.
Make the lowest grade disappear from the gradebook each of the remaining grading periods. CANNOT be applied to WAC or Final Projects
Unit 6 - Matter and its properties
Ennians recognize and understand that the atom is the fundamental building block of all matter; the states of matter can be described and used to explain the behavior of matter; and that matter can be identified by observable and measurable properties.
Receive 20 extra credit points on a Curricular Literacy assignment.
The assignment will be determined jointly between the Ennian and Mrs. Garcia
Unit 7 - Rocks and Minerals
Ennians recognize and understand that rocks can be neither created nor destroyed, they are just recycled through the layers of the Earth (lithosphere). Rocks have different uses and characteristics that help distinguish them from each other. Minerals can be identified using different properties and some minerals are more valuable than others.
Increase one Blogger rank.
Unit 8 - Electricity and Magnetism
Students will recognize and understand that electricity in circuits can be transformed into light, heat, sound and magnetic effects. Magnets can make objects move without direct contact between the object and the magnet.
Ability to use your own phones in class once the work for the day is done AND your table is clear
Unit 9 - End of year
Traditionally we have a sustainability unit at the end of the year. This year's will be up as soon as it is available.
If you accumulate all badges thoughout the year, you will receive a special surprise.