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The Arena

Any time you think you are ready, you may participate in Boss Battles. Boss battles are the only source of gold coins which can be used to buy items in the Armory.

Boss Battles rely on your ability to make connections that bridge the different scientific disciplines, uniting core ideas throughout the fields of science and engineering. Their purpose is to help you deepen your understanding of science, and develop a coherent and scientifically based view of the world.


You do not have to engage the boss in a linear fashion. This means you do not have to go in order, nor do you have to beat the boss only once. You can come back again and again to the arena as we progress through the game. Whenever you have an AHA moment, and recognize one of the seven crosscutting concepts you are ready to engage in a Boss Battle.


To participate in Boss Battles you must first create a dedicated Boss Battle Blog. Notice, you will only do this ONCE!!!

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